Learning a Language: What Makes Listening Difficult?
Of the four basic English language skills, reading, writing, speaking and listening, the most difficult to acquire is listening comprehension. It is also the one skill which cannot be "taught". In evaluations that university English and foreign language institute EFL students must take at least three times a semester, the area which is most critical and the one in which they experience the greatest difficulty is listening comprehension. What makes Listening Difficult? There are four clusters of factors which can affect the difficulty of language listening tasks. Here is what they are and how they affect listening comprehension skills. The SPEAKER o How many are there? Is one person speaking at a time? Are there a number of speakers? Do some of them speak at the same time? o How quickly they speak Does the pace of the speaker allow sufficient "time" for mental processing of the speech by the listener? Does the language of the speaker flow at a faste...